Monday, April 13, 2020

It is all in the details

I've been working on putting materials together for this week's training webinars and I find that I could get bogged down in the details if I'm not really careful.  I'm a very visual person and I have a hard time understanding why some people don't have the same sensibilities that I do about some things. 

I'm sure they wonder similarly about me in some respect.

I want to be sure that we are teaching enough but not too much.  I map and plan with the end result in mind.  Sort of that idea of creating the test and then creating the lessons to teach the skills and knowledge so that the students do well on the test.  However, everybody doesn't seem to have that same mindset. 

I will get going on something and realize that I also need this piece and this piece and that piece so that the entire puzzle is complete for me.  So, I get bogged down a little bit and things seem to take a bit more time.  The details.

I want the end result to be meaningful.  I want the experience to be impactful.  I want the activity to be satisfying.  I want to meet folks where they are and move them nearer to where I think they need to be. I persevere and buckle down and hone in and focus more in hopes that what I'm sharing will meet the needs and expectations of the masses.  Then, in the end, I find that my expectations are far headier than the masses.

Where does that vision come from?  Is is a matter of focus?  Is it a matter of experience? Is it a matter of tradition?  Does it matter?

I get going with something and then somebody will bring it to my attention that it might be too much for some people.  So, I put on the brakes and I wonder.  Did I skim over the real details?

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