Friday, March 27, 2020

First Official Week Wrap-Up

Well, we have officially spent a week supporting teachers from a distance and using online resources.  Here is a little of what I learned this week (listed in no particular order):

  • Virtual meetings are exhausting.
  • Virtual learning is so very different from face-to-face learning and people don't realize that, yet.
  • I really like creating visuals more than I do most anything else that relates to my job.
  • There's a lot more to a How-To video than meets the eye.
  • Teachers really love their students.
  • Students like regular school more than they realized they did.
  • Students really ought to be journaling about their experiences right now.
  • It is hard for me to stop working.
  • I get a LOT of email in my personal account and don't have the energy to read it when I've worked from home all day.
  • There are so many online opportunities to learn that it is mind-boggling.
  • My idea of professionalism is not the same as lots of other people's ideas.
  • Learning and education is really evolving during this time.
  • My long-time vision of the power of online learning is coming to fruition.
  • The instructional technology department in my district consists of a lot of rock stars!
I have read so many powerful things written by educators, journalists, and students this week.  The written word is alive and well in 2020!  

P.S. I have to give a huge shout out to Pearson for sharing his journal with me this week.  I feel blessed and enriched by reading his writing. He truly has a gift and I am inspired to become a better writer.

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